IB Psychology @ RIS

Monday, January 09, 2006

John Crane's IA Checklist

Name __________________________

Title of IA: _____________________________________________

Level: HL

Criterion A: Introduction (5 marks)

Ø The aim of the study is clearly stated.
Ø The introductory material is highly relevant to the hypothesis
Ø Sufficient research studies are analysed.
Ø The hypotheses are clearly stated and justified. (How does your research test this?)
Criterion B: Design (2 marks)

Ø IV and DV are accurately identified.
Ø The design is appropriate and justified.
Ø Ethical guidelines are followed.
Ø Operational definitions are provided as necessary.

Criterion C: Participants (2 marks)

Ø The characteristics of the target population are identified (number, age, gender, ESL?)
Ø The sample is selected using an appropriate method.
Ø If necessary, explain how they were allocated into groups.
Ø The method is justified.

Criterion D: Procedure (2 marks)

Ø Include materials that were used to carry out the experiment (reference appendix)
Ø Standardized directions should appear in an appendix.
Ø The procedure is relevant and clearly described.
Ø It is easily replicable.
Ø Debriefing procedure is mentioned.

Criterion E: Results (4 marks)

Ø Results are clearly stated and accurate.
Ø Raw data is presented in an appendix.
Ø Descriptive statistics are applied.
Ø The null hypothesis has been accepted or rejected
Ø Graphs are accurate and clearly presented (labelled)
Ø Text makes direct reference to the graphs as presented.
Ø Inferential statistical tests have been appropriately chosen, applied, and justified.
Ø Level of significance achieved is mentioned with reference to critical values.
Ø Calculations of inferential statistics are included in an appendix.

Criterion F: Discussion (8 marks)

Ø Comment on your results with regard to the research hypothesis.
Ø Discussion makes reference to research in the introduction.
Ø No new studies are introduced.
Ø The strengths and limitations of the study are clearly identified.
Ø The conclusion is appropriate and well balanced.
Ø Modifications and/or improvements are suggested for further research.

Criterion G: Presentation (2 marks)

Ø The report is in the correct format.
Ø Spelling and grammar is checked.
Ø The report is between 1500 and 2000 words.
Ø References are provided using standardized method.
Ø All references listed in the bibliography are cited in the paper.

You must add the following:

1. An abstract (see below)
2. A cover page (which includes your word count)
3. Page numbers
4. A Table of Contents

The abstract:

A summary of the entire investigation. About 150 words. It should begin with a one-sentence summary of your paper and then include:

ü Aim of the research
ü The Research Hypothesis
ü Type of design
ü Variables studied
ü Participants
ü Results with reference to statistical analysis
ü Conclusions
ü Mention implications of findings.


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